No one likes picking up after their dog does relieves themselves on a walk. It’s gross, feels weird, smells bad, and is unhygienic. No one enjoys doing it, but responsible pet owners always pick up after their dog.
Fortunately, there is a device that solves that rather an unsanitary problem — the pooper scooper. However, picking out the right pooper scooper is a surprisingly difficult task. There are many different types and sizes. What works for one dog owner and dog might not work with another dog owner.
This article will cover the best pooper scoopers available on the market and provide all the information that you need to find a pooper scooper that works for you.
Why You Need a Pooper Scooper?
There are a few different reasons that you need a pooper scooper. The most obvious reason is that picking up after your dog is just not sanitary.
You must use a bag and put your hand, and face, close to your dog’s poo. This can expose you to harmful diseases such as E. coli, a variety of parasites, and some worms.
It’s just not something that you should do. It also smells bad and feels strange. Plus, the bag you wrap around your hand could break and expose your skin to the poop.