The Best Flea Spray for House for Pets of 2020

The Best Flea Spray for House for PetsLike mosquitos, tick, fleas, and similar vermin hold the reputation as the most repugnant, annoying, and menacing insects. They exist solely to feed off other animals, grow in numbers, and transmit numerous diseases. Pet owners must take special care to prevent these tiny monsters from latching onto their pets and bringing their life cycle into your house. There are a variety of ways you can erect your defense against them: collars, flea shampoos, or flea medicine as the most expensive method.

However, one cost-effective solution is often overlooked – flea spray for house. This method can overcome the shortcomings of other methods by easily penetrating soft surfaces and not being restricted to localized areas. Flea sprays not only kill an active infestation of ticks and fleas, be it on your pets or carpets, but they also generate a long-term preventative effect that creates a hostile no-go zone for fleas and ticks without endangering the health of your family and your pets.

PETARMOR Home and Carpet Spray

Our Top Choice: PETARMOR Home and Carpet Spray

You can find such critical flea-destroying qualities in the PetArmor home spray. Regarded as the most cost-effective weapon in your anti-flea arsenal, PetArmor home spray is designed to effectively deal with all life stages of bloodsucking vermin in your house.

Not only does it eliminate these nasty creatures and prevents them from establishing their base of operations in your house, but it also eliminates your pet odor, supplanting it with a pleasing invigorating scent.

Comparison Table

Product Information
Our Rating:
Buy from:
PETARMOR Home and Carpet Spray
PETARMOR Home and Carpet Spray
  • Effective
  • The preventative effects last for up to 7 months if uninterrupted by washing/rain
  • Nice scent replacing pet odors
  • Eliminates odor
  • Affordable
  • Brand Name - PETARMOR
  • Weight - 16 oz
  • Type - Spray
  • Price - $
Adams Flea & Tick Home Spray
Adams Flea & Tick Home Spray
  • Long-lasting effect
  • Not toxic but avoid inhaling fumes
  • Affordable
  • Brand Name - Adams
  • Weight - 24 oz
  • Type - Spray
  • Price - $$
Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Home Spray
  • Completely natural and safe
  • Can be directly applied to pets, even very young ones
  • Cheap
  • Brand Name - Vet's Best
  • Weight - 32 oz
  • Type - Spray
  • Price - $
Ortho Home Defense Max Bed Bug
  • Included Comfort Wand can reach tight spaces in your house
  • Kills everything swiftly and thoroughly
  • No strong odor for a heavy-duty flea killer
  • Brand Name - Ortho
  • Weight - 1 gal
  • Type - Spray
  • Price - $$
Enforcer Flea Spray for Homes
  • Ultimate flea-killing solution for rural houses
  • Doesn’t degrade wood surfaces
  • Plenty of flea-killing power in one container to last you for a long time
  • Brand Name - Enforcer
  • Weight - 1 gal
  • Type - Spray
  • Price - $$$

Deadly Anti-Flea Cocktail

Many flea sprays keep their chemical combinations unique. However, any sprays designed to destroy the reproductive span of fleas in the form of flea eggs and flea larvae are deploying S-methoprene. This compound cuts short the reproductive capability of a flea by making them lay sterile eggs.

Moreover, the recently expired patent for fipronil means that a host of manufacturers can now produce an effective flea spray for house without paying additional costs. Lastly, the most common active ingredient in anti-flea preparations is imidacloprid, which terminates any parasitic flea at an exceedingly high rate of 98% on your house’s surfaces.

Fleas as Ancient Plague Carriers

Parasitic in nature, a flea is quite profligate in its spawning, capable of laying up to 50 eggs per day by a single female flea in your house. To make things worse, a flea is known bearer of deadly diseases. Among them is the bubonic plague, tularemia, tungiasis, murine typhus, and the so-called “cat scratch disease” that cats get from Bartonella bacteria, carried by a flea and then transmits it to their human owners. It takes flea larvae several weeks to hatch, especially in warmer weather.

Lastly, even without a flea carrying diseases, their mere bites can cause severe allergic reactions, depending on the fortitude of your immune system.

Prioritize Prevention

The best-case scenario is to always find yourself without having to deal with the infestation of fleas, ticks, bed bugs, lice, and other insectoid miscreants. Otherwise, your entire house and lifestyle will be severely disrupted, and you will constantly think about decontamination protocols of every piece of fabric and surface in your house. There are several simple measures you can deploy with a negligible cost:

  • Keep feral animals out of your yard and near the house, such as opossums, skunks, raccoons, wild dogs, and cats. By spending all time in nature, without anyone to wash them regularly, they will almost certainly hold a wide range of insectoid pests on their bodies, or even worse, have rabies
  • If you have a natural or synthetic lawn, keep the former trimmed and the latter treated with a specially designed fake grass cleaning spray. Synthetic grass is, in many ways, better for preventing flea strongholds as it generates greater heat from direct sun exposure, which kills flea larvae
  • Treat your long-haired pets with a brush and flea spray for house before entering the house, especially if they were heavily active that day
  • Regularly vacuum your rugs and carpets, at least once a week. In addition, put a flea collar in vacuum filter bags. For vacuums that have sponges, spray them once a month.

Lastly, you can use the so-called diatomaceous earth (DE). This powder derived from oceanic plankton is outstanding for drying out all stages of a flea’s life cycle. In its food-grade form, DE is considered completely non-toxic for pets and humans of all ages. Just don’t breathe it in!

Top Flea Spray for House

Product Information

Brand Name – PETARMOR
Weight – 16 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $

As you peruse through the arsenal of options to deal with nasty bugs, you will find a pattern emerging. Some sprays are designed as overkill to use in your house, which means that you will have to take extra precautions not to inhale them, touch your skin, and get your pets out of the room for a while.

Other flea sprays deploy a softer approach to the point of being completely natural, which may decrease the effectiveness of the spray. However, PetArmor developed a fine balance between the two, with an extra benefit of removing pet odors as well, so that your house always has a welcoming smell.

Terminator and prevention of all tiny fiends that suck blood, such as lice, fleas, ticks, and dust mites, PetArmor spray comes in a 16 oz. aerosol container can. It does more than destroy the life span of flea larvae/eggs, but it conveniently removes pet’s odor as you spray PetArmor all over your furniture and floor carpets. The moment your furry buddy nears a surface treated with this spray, you can rest assured that any flea it might be carrying will swiftly meet its demise. Although the spray has a pleasant scent, it doesn’t linger for long.


  • Effective
  • The preventative effects last for up to 7 months if uninterrupted by washing/rain
  • Nice scent replacing pet odors
  • Eliminates odor
  • Affordable


Product Information

Brand Name – Adams
Weight – 24 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $$

Another house-only spray not developed to be used straight on dogs or cats. This one has an impressive range of eradicating power. Sure, it deals effectively with common bloodsuckers, but also other unwanted pests such as spiders, mosquitos, and colonies, spiders, and cockroaches. In short, it nukes the entire insect ecosystem that might affect your house thanks to its IGR (insect growth regulatory) chemical.

Like PetArmor, it can forestall reinfestation for just over half a year.


  • Long-lasting effect
  • Not toxic but avoid inhaling fumes
  • Affordable


  • Doesn’t remove pet odors

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Product Information

Brand Name – Vet’s Best
Weight – 32 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $

If one wants to avoid any chance of toxic chemicals in the house at an exceedingly low cost, this vet flea spray for house is the one to get. Like others, this spray destroys flea eggs along with larvae in addition to its straight application to animals, including young puppies. Due to its natural composition consisting of distilled plant extracts like peppermint, this spray is suitable for pet beddings and other places else you want to destroy fleas habitats naturally.


  • Completely natural and safe
  • Can be directly applied to pets, even very young ones
  • Cheap


  • The spray doesn’t last as long as non-natural sprays

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Product Information

Brand Name – Ortho
Weight – 1 gal
Type – Spray
Price – $$

As a part of Ortho’s three-tier flea annihilation system, this heavy-duty spray represents the second step in the total eradication of fleas, bed bugs, and any insects that have become resistant to pyrethroid chemical, a common compound found in most anti-flea treatments. Simply spray it strategically with the nifty Comfort Wand on surfaces like mattress seams, bed frames, flooring, and you will see the extinction event of all bugs in your house.


  • Included Comfort Wand can reach tight spaces in your house
  • Kills everything swiftly and thoroughly
  • No strong odor for a heavy-duty flea killer


  • Not usable on pets but surfaces only

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Product Information

Brand Name – Enforcer
Weight – 1 gal
Type – Spray
Price – $$$

If everything else fails, the Enforcer will do a professional job of a paid flea exterminator to make your house pleasant again. As such, it should not be applied to pets directly but on your house’s surfaces. After using it, make sure to leave it be for a couple of hours to avoid inhaling fumes before vacuuming all the dead bloodsuckers from the surfaces of your house.


  • Ultimate flea-killing solution for rural houses
  • Doesn’t degrade wood surfaces
  • Plenty of flea-killing power in one container to last you for a long time


  • It would be better odorless instead of having an artificial apple scent

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Product Information

Brand Name – ZOECON
Weight – 16 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $$$

A professional-grade flea killer, this spray contains a combo of chemicals deadly to an assortment of vile bugs. It takes care of their life cycle with integrated Precor IGR, while Permethrin and Phenothrin instantly kill adult bugs. Although it is a heavy-duty flea-eradicating solution, it is water-based, so it doesn’t leave unwanted residue on surfaces when it completely dries out. It should not be used on any living creatures you don’t wish to harm in your house. Definitely among the best flea spray for house on the market.


  • A high concentrate of bug-killing chemicals makes it a superb flea-eradication solution
  • One can provide coverage of 2,000 square feet
  • Prevents reinfestation


  • Only usable for surfaces

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Product Information

Brand Name – Raid
Weight – 16 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $$

Classics are classics for a reason. Raid continues to be the topline brand for raiding bugs’ homes. One dosing of this spray is sufficient to kill an adult flea on touch, while eggs will be prevented from hatching for at least four months. However, after dosing the spray, you should definitely leave the room along with your pets for at least half an hour for fumes to dissipate in the house.


  • Doesn’t damage fabrics and wooding
  • Seeps deep into fabrics
  • Efficient flea killer


  • Classic RAID scent

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Product Information

Brand Name – Bayer Animal Health
Weight – 16 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $$

Designed as an industrial-strength spray to get rid of all fleas, bedbugs, and ticks, this 16 oz. can spray is highly toxic for all living creatures in your house, including your skin. Make sure to get the pets outside the room before applying it on surfaces. Thankfully, it doesn’t stain them. Lastly, it needs to be reapplied every two weeks as it doesn’t contain IGR to counter eggs and larvae.


  • It kills every flea in your house
  • Doesn’t stain
  • High rating


  • Highly toxic to all animals

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Product Information

Brand Name – Bayer Advanced
Weight – 64 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $

Another high-end bug-exterminating solution, Bayer Advanced, will take care of your flea problem with one application that will scorch the earth for any flea in the vicinity of your house for a month. It applies to even the dreaded pyrethroid-resistant insects. For fleas, this solution lasts up to one year. Big canister with the extended spray wand will make you look and kill as a proper professional flea terminator. Of course, such a great flea-killing solution should not be used directly on pets.


  • Has no odor
  • Very efficient at killing fleas and keep killing them for a long time after application
  • Large supply with a single package


Product Information

Brand Name – Wondercide
Weight – 16 oz
Type – Spray
Price – $$$

Like other natural products withholding toxic compounds, Wondercide spray is perfectly healthy for your pets and safe for furniture. Its benefits don’t end there, however. Indeed, its naturally repellant, plan-based ingredients will serve to scour fleas from your pet’s coating, as well from fabrics and carpets. It also cuts short flea’s lifecycle by disrupting the hatching of eggs and the growth of larvae into adults. A perfect companion spray for any house.


  • The option of having one of four pleasant scents
  • No danger of harming your pets or your skin
  • Deals with adult and larvae forms effectively


Potentially Lethal Ticks

Like almost all parasitic insects, spider-related ticks fall into the category of being relatively benign if they merely suck the blood of animals out. However, in a natural environment teeming with organisms, you will often find ticks laden with dangerous bacterial and viral lifeforms that can infect you with a variety of illnesses:

  • Lyme diseases – delivered by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. Its cousin, Borrelia mayonii, causes similar symptoms to Lyme disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) – delivered to humans by Dermacentor variabilis
  • Anaplasmosis – also recognized under its former moniker granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE), usually delivered by deer ticks, who are also mainly responsible for Lyme disease transmission.

Other infections, such as ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and tularemia, occur less frequently but cause the same range of unpleasant symptoms: fever, debilitating fatigue, headache, and muscle aches all over the body. Overall, ticks are greatly diversified with over 800 species. Fortunately, only a few – hard and soft ticks – serve as vehicles for disease transmission to humans and animals alike. The predominant culprits for tick-derived diseases are black-legged or deer ticks and Dermacentor variabilis — colloquially known as American dog tick.

Although not dangerous on their own, if you happen to be allergic to tick bites, you will experience a rash with a varying degree of severity, pain, swelling, burning sensation, and even difficulty breathing in the most extreme cases.

Making Your Yard Inhospitable for Ticks

You will usually find ticks in leaf piles, shrubs, trees, and taller grass around your house. Pay special attention when your dog decides to lunge into neatly piled leaf mounds. They will most certainly get a tick, and it is not difficult for multiple ticks to transfer from your pet to you.

As we mentioned previously, ticks are related to spiders, so they have eight legs. They vary in color and size:

  • Some shade of brown, black, or red
  • From smallest comparable to a needle pin to largest comparable to marble

In order to lessen the chance of these disease-carrying bloodsuckers nesting in your yard, there are simple measures to implement:

  • Clear out potential tick nests. Like many insects, ticks are instinctually attracted to shady and moist spaces. It would include leaf piles, upturned boats and kayaks, sheds, wooden fences, sandboxes, decks, compost piles, and other objects that fit the description of moist, shady, and close to nature. A patch of gravel can facilitate an excellent barrier between nature and your house
  • As you may surmise, deer ticks, the most common disease carriers, are called that because they latch onto deer, which then wander into your yard. Deer have their own needs, so make sure that your yard is lacking in providing their needs, namely the type of grass they like to chew on. Many plants don’t attract deer.

On top of that, you can erect physical barriers around your house and use deer repellant spray on the border of your property to prevent them from spreading ticks.

How Do Flea Sprays Achieve Their Effectiveness?

A flea spray works in two stages by implementing a cocktail of lethal chemicals. One set of chemicals is designed to kill fully mature bugs. It includes chemicals like various kinds of pyrethrins, tetrachlorvinphos, imidacloprid, and etofenprox. Another set of chemicals deals with a flea’s developmental stage by cutting it short. The predominant one is IGR in the form of s-methoprene, which mimics flea’s growth hormone. Of course, instead of pursuing the flea’s original hormonal purpose of growth, it suppresses it to halt the infestation of your house.

Which Flea Spray For Dogs And House Is the Right One for You?

If you are particularly concerned about safety for your pets and yourself, it might be best to use a combination of different flea sprays. One kind may be the best flea spray for house for surfaces that penetrates the soft fiber of carpets and couches, making them inhospitable for any possibility of flea reproduction, and another kind that you spray directly on yourself or your dog/cat without worrying if it will be safe.

If you can, find an all-in-one solution flea spray for house that is both preventative for a longer period of time and can immediately kill any flea or lice infestation. We mentioned PetArmor at the beginning of the article. Learn about others below.

Some Tips on How to Apply Flea Sprays

No matter which best flea spray for house you chose to get, it would be prudent to spray your furry pets and space separately. First, spray the furniture and carpets without the pets’ present. Then, ventilate and vacuum the rooms thoroughly across your house. Lastly, spray and brush your pet before it enters a cleaned room. On the other hand, if you only want to prevent the infestation, spray your pet before entering the house. If your pet enjoys special bedding, it would be better to put it in a washing machine in at least 60C rather than spray it.

What Else Should You Keep in Mind About Fleas and Other Bugs?

Here is a handy overview of all the most important things and strategies to keep in mind while you deal with flea infestation. In the end, all the flea sprays listed here work quite well, but you have to decide if things like the scent or the extra convenience of natural sprays matter to you.

Should I Vacuum Before or After Applying The Spray?

After, but make sure to spray the inside of the vacuum bag/sponge as well before starting to hoover, so the remaining live bugs don’t have a chance to jump out.

Should I Use Natural or Chemical Flea Spray For House?

Safe flea spray for house is often labeled as natural, given that its ingredients are derived from plants that have developed their own bug defenses over millions of years of evolution. These sprays can be safely used for both animals and house surfaces.

When Should I Use a Chemical Bug Spray?

Depending on the region where you live and the type of fleas you encounter in your house, you might come across resistant bugs. In that case, deploy Bayer Advanced, Zoecon Precor 2000, or Enforcer.

What Is IGR?

Insect growth regulator is a special type of insecticide that is developed to destroy insects’ growth cycle by mimicking growth hormones in non-adult bugs.

Alongside Fleas, Which Bugs Are Commonly Affected by These Sprays?

Lice, ticks, bed bugs, ants, and spiders. Cockroaches would be affected by stronger types of flea sprays.

What Behaviors Should I Discourage to Avoid Parasite Infestations?

Don’t let your dog jump into leaf piles outside your house. Don’t leave food in the open to attract wild animals, keep your lawn grass short, and cultivate grass near your house that is not appealing to deer, so they don’t bring in deer ticks.

Is It Enough to Apply Flea Sprays Only on Surfaces Without Using Them on Pets?

Yes. While natural flea sprays are perfectly safe to use in both scenarios for your house, chemical sprays applied to surfaces and pet beddings will kill bugs on touch with your pet’s coating, for a prolonged period.

Flea Spray For House Takeaway

Bugs, especially the bloodsucking and disease-carrying kind, can upturn your life overnight. Just the thought of sleeping in a bed crawling with tiny biters would leave anyone uneasy and anxious, let alone succumbing to one of the bacterial and viral infections a flea may carry. To remove such threats from your life quickly and rapidly, one should first take precautions to avoid it by spraying your pets with natural flea sprays listed here. At least twice a month with a flea and tick spray for house.

When that is not enough, when the dreaded infestation occurs, don’t shy away from using the most professional-grade solutions on the list. PETARMOR Home and Carpet Spray offers the best of both worlds without endangering the health of your pet or your family.

Lastly, it is one thing to pick the right flea spray for dogs and house, but always keep yourself and pets out of the room for at least half an hour in a well-ventilated room after you have applied them. In the meanwhile, a well-maintained yard with short grass and few damp crevices will lessen the chance of ticks attaching themselves to the skin of yourself and your pets.
