Dog Health

Petplan Pet Insurance Reviews, Best Plans & More

We all look at our friends’ pets and admire how clean and healthy they appear. Unbeknown to us, there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into making pets look presentable. Once you own a pet, be ready to provide adequate meals, toys, beddings, and, most importantly, take good care of its health....

PetsBest Insurance Reviews, Best Plans & More

Up to 68% of families in the United States own a pet. This is roughly eighty-five million households. The estimated expenditure on pets was approximately 96 million, with the figure expected to grow to almost 100 million this year. Under the pet expenditure, vet care was the third biggest, with a predicted number of...

Embrace Pet Insurance Review

Getting a good insurance cover for your pet is always a good idea. It will save you the unexpected medical costs or the temptation to ignore a sick pet just because you don't have money for the vet. Embrace pet insurance leaves behind no room to take care of your pets. Furthermore, you get...

10 Best Dental Chews For Dogs (Review)

A dog’s breath can be awful if oral hygiene is not taken care of, and the build-up of bacterial substances might result in health problems with time if there is no remedy. However, there’s a problem as it is impractical to take a toothbrush and brush your pet’s teeth. The only solution to the...

COVID-19: What Is the Coronavirus in Dogs?

The raging global outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 incites fears and doubts into people’s minds all around the globe. There are so many sources asserting contradicting things right now that it is important to know what pieces of information to trust, so as not to do anything crazy. Animal lovers are just like everybody else...

10 Top Water Bottle of 2020 Review

Finding a perfect bottle to feed your pet isn’t that hard; you just need to keep in mind a few criteria. Find a container that does not leak, quickly transforms into a plate, and provides a simple way to feed your dog on the way. Just choose the one that suits them best and...

Affordable Pet Insurance for Dogs: Plans and Coverages 2021

While you might be an excellent owner to your mutt, you can never really plan for when they fall ill get injured. And no matter what, when such misfortunes befall them, there’s no other way but to contend with unexpected costs in veterinary bills, which of course, will make a dent in your savings. Luckily,...

Top 10 Dog Cones of 2020 Review

What makes the preferred dog cone? The answer depends on your dog. There are careful considerations that come to mind, especially if you’re dog coming off surgery. Apart from comfort, you also need to consider the practicability of the item and its purpose. Take a look at the top recommendations of cones currently making...

5 Best DNA Tests for Dogs of 2020

As you breed your dog to maturity, there’s bound to be an instant when you stop and wonder just what type of variety they are. It could be borne out of sheer curiosity, or even concern, especially if your dog starts exhibiting signs of specific hereditary ailments. When this moment comes, a DNA kit...

Washable Whelping Dogs Pads 2021

Full of joyful anticipation about the imminent appearance in the family of a small four-legged pet, we forget that we need to prepare for all possible incidents it can cause. Being unprepared can lead you to frustration and feeling helpless while trying to raise your dog. First of all, this applies to toilet training....

Top 10 Dog Dewormer Review in 2021

Worms are the main ailment that dogs usually pick up by ingesting unwanted materials or rolling on dirty surfaces. It is essential to realize that the term "worm" usually refers to any parasite that resides in an animal’s digestive tract. Since it is close to impossible to prevent our pets from doing the activities...

What Is a Whelping Box for Dogs

The appearance of puppies in a house is not only a joyful and exciting event but also a time when you need to be extremely attentive and provide excellent care for both the puppies and their mother. One of such a way is to have a whelping box ready when that miracle day comes....

The Best Dog Multivitamins in 2020

Nutrition is an important aspect of the lives of all living beings. It is useful in physical growth, mental development, and overall well-being of all animals. Naturally, we can all find ways for fending for ourselves with ease. Pets, on the other hand, rely on their owners for their nourishment and general care. One of...

The 10 Best Dog Food Container of 2020 Review

Just as humans need to have their food kept safe away from contaminants, and preserved for later meal time, similarly, pet food needs to be kept safe for consumption as contaminated food is a predisposing factor for infections. With a wide variety of storage bins on the market, it’s not a straightforward task to...

10 Best Weight Loss Dog Food (Review)

Reducing the intake of calories is one of the main functions of weight loss dog food. However, like any other product, there are a variety of brands to choose from, each offering more than one benefit. How do you identify the best weight loss dog food? This review has 10 brands that are worth...

Top 10 Dog Toothpaste in 2021

Has your dog ever given you those slobbery kisses that you love so much only to be hit by an unbearable bad breathe? Using the wrong toothpaste is one of the causes of dental disease that result in an unfavorable breath. However, amidst so many brands available to date, which best dog toothpaste is...

How Long Does a Dog Stay in Heat?

We all know that animals rely on their instincts for breeding. However, as in humans, it is not always a straightforward process. In specific cases, an animal may require human intervention when some challenges arise. For instance, a female canine could be experiencing problems with expectancy or difficulties in giving birth. Moreover, when she experiences...

Can Dogs Eat Olives?

There is no straight answer to this question because the safety of olives for dogs depends on more than one factor. Generally, dogs can eat olives. However, there are some exceptions and reasons to exercise caution when feeding olives to your dog. To get a clear picture of what olives are and whether dogs...

Can Dogs Eat Beans?

Beans are one of the greatest sources of food for humans because they not only contain potassium and antioxidants but because they are a very strong source of protein and a good booster for the heart, which is the engine that runs the human body. It is as good for our furry friends, the...

Top 10 Best Dog Ear Cleaner Of 2020

We, as people, tend to forget about such important things as proper health care when it comes to our daily routine, set aside, taking adequate attention when it comes to our pets. Yet, they are in a constant need not only for our love and affection but also for checking their health. Keeping your...

The 10 Best Glucosamine for Dogs of 2020

Dogs, like all people, need vitamins to maintain health. Dogs need extra help when it comes to their bones and cartilage. The body needs it for the active growth of small puppies and support activity in old dogs. For decades, the benefits of glucosamine for the body of both humans and animals have been...

How To Protect Your Dog From Air Pollution, Bacteria and Virus?

A dog mask is an excellent gear for protecting your four-legged companion against harmful elements in the environment, such as dust, particulate matter, smoke, and toxic gases. When inhaled, these contaminants can cause immediate discomfort in your dog. Worse still, they can lead to more complicated health issues in the long-term as they’ll gradually...

The 7 Best Probiotics for Dogs of 2020

Dogs are similar to humans when it comes to their internal organs and immune system. This means that most of the strength of your dog’s immune system comes from the immune system cells in their digestive system. Naturally, this means you want to keep their digestive system healthy because this ensures that their immune system stays healthy. Just like humans, the fastest...

CBD Oil For Dogs – Side Effects & Risks

Lots of research has been conducted on CBD oil to treat ailments in dogs and the results look promising. CBD oil can change a wide range of health issues in your dog. Many pet parents use CBD oil for seizures in dogs, pain relief, separation anxiety, and calming hyperactive dogs. This article will review the best CBD oil on the market so that your...

The Best Flea Collar for Dogs Review in 2021

Fleas and ticks are the biggest problems that a dog owner faces. Their bites can cause infections and illnesses that can injure, paralyze, or even kill your dog. Ticks can also become a problem for you. You really do not want ticks as their bites can cause some very nasty diseases such as Lyme disease. Fortunately, a flea collar for dogs is a great...

10 Best Joint Supplement For Dogs (Review 2021)

It is frustrating to see your dog in pain. The bad news is that aging and genetics cause wear and tear on most dog body parts. Joints are often affected as the cartilage wears off, and friction worsens. To prevent and relieve the pain, especially if you own a dog breed that is predisposed to...

The 10 Best Dog Agility Equpment of 2020

Training your dog for agility competition can be an expensive but highly rewarding affair. The entire process will equip your dog with cognitive and discerning skills, which are important for him to have. Furthermore, your dog will get an opportunity to keep fit while bonding with you. To get the most out of agility...